Dr. Currie's Speaking
Does your preschooler's behavior frustrate you? Dr. Currie provides solutions by blending expert advice with real-world answers that come from his hands-on experience with young children. His engaging and encouraging presentations capture an audience's interest by offering many examples and practical tips.
Audience Reaction
"Dr. Currie has a natural gift for teaching. His presentation style was very natural and engaging as he shared amusing stories, excellent illustrations, thought-provoking insights, and practical advice. By applying his advice I have gained insight in communicating with my four-year-old son and noticed a remarkable improvement in our relationship."
Brenda Sutter
Sycamore, IL MOPS Coordinator
"I've been to dozens of parenting sessions and heard many speakers. But Dr. Currie is one of the few speakers I've heard where I walked out truly feeling I had gained both insight into my child as well as practical techniques to try at home."
Carrie Gross
Portage, MI
"Dr. Currie's presentation was an excellent blend of expert advice, interesting parenting stories that we could easily relate to, and practical suggestions. We will definitely have him come back to talk to us again."
Suzanne M. Starble
Director, Share and Learning Center
Aurora, IL
"Rob Currie's talk with our preschool mothers was an absolutely wonderful experience! His depth of knowledge on how emotions drive our children was intriguing and supported by examples that we could easily relate to. I gained a greater appreciation in addressing my child's emotional needs, developed more effective ways to address negative behavior, and now have new ways to teach my child about the world and God."
Tracy Richter
St. Charles, IL MOPS Coordinator
"You have revolutionized my thinking by teaching me to address the emotions that are predominant throughout my child's day. I look forward to a positive change in attitude and improved relationship due to your insights."
Linda Swanson
Des Moines IA
"I think I should hear Rob Currie speak about 'Preschool Wisdom' first thing every morning to remind me how my little boys view their world through their feelings. I really believe I would be more empathetic and patient with them, and I would experience more fun and less conflict from day to day."
Brittany DuPont
Chillicothe, IL
Topics Offered
1. What Your Preschooler Desperately Wants to Tell You
Uncover the key to motivating your child by learning how children think. Dr. Currie reveals the surprising way your child looks at life and you.
2. Discipline That Really Works
Learn a parent-tested approach that will tame your child's problem behavior. This strategy will bring out the best in your child.
3. Taming the Tantrum
Find out how to respond to your child when he or she "loses it." Regain control of those difficult encounters with your child.
4. How to be a Magical Mom
Learn to connect powerfully with your child by engaging his or her imagination. The results will surprise you.